portable site office

Tips for Keeping Your Portable Site Office Tidy & Organised

Cleaning and good organisation are two essential parts of any productive office. But while most permanent workplaces have systems in place, portable buildings are temporary. And this transient feel often means well-thought-out cleaning regimes don’t translate to a portable site office.

But don’t abandon the rubbish bins and accept a messy workspace just yet – the team at Just Sheds is here to help! Here are our top tips on how to keep your portable building tidy.

Establish a cleaning schedule

Creating a cleaning schedule and assigning tasks to team members will ensure that your portable site office remains clean. Break down cleaning roles into smaller jobs that are easy for one person to tick off, such as taking out the rubbish, dusting the surfaces, or cleaning the windows. This way, you avoid one person becoming resentful as they clean up after everyone else.

Safely stow away equipment and supplies

Is your portable building is being used on a work site with any dangerous or hazardous tools, equipment, chemicals, or supplies? If so, it’s important to designate safe storage spaces at the outset of the job. Install the right shelving or cabinets so everything will stay in its place.

Charts, charts, and more charts

Have you ever noticed cleaning charts in fast food restaurants? The ones where an employee ticks a box, signs their name, and writes when they last cleaned the toilets or took out the rubbish? Well, these charts are about to become your transportable building’s new best friend!

Create charts for cleaning schedules, for completing tasks, for signing out supplies – whatever needs to get done, a chart gives people accountability, and it can be checked and double checked to make sure protocols are being followed.

Create a cleaning culture

Encouraging each team member who uses your portable building to take responsibility helps to create a culture of cleanliness. And make cleaning easy by providing plenty of rubbish bins, recycling bins, and cleaning supplies to further promote this culture.

Don’t forget the kitchen and toilets

If your portable building includes a breakroom and ablutions, it’s imperative that these rooms are clean, too. Nobody likes cleaning a toilet, but you need to make sure these spaces stay clean and hygienic. Not only is this important to the health and wellbeing of your team, but it will also improve morale and productivity.

Be a tidy Kiwi in your portable building

By implementing strong systems from the start, your relocatable building will be clean and tidy, and remain an enjoyable place to work.

To get a portable building set up at your work site, give Just Sheds a call today – we deliver portacoms to Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton and anywhere in NZ north of Gisborne and Taranaki.

